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Pagination of results

Hello when running a Get request and returining a large set of data the API is only providing a portion of the data, and providing a "hasNextPage":true / "hasPreviouspage":false flag. Unfortunately there is no page number / id that would allow me to loop through pages and get all information.

Can Hive Push Messages to another system

I am working on integrating Hive and HubSpot. I have setup an endpoint to accept a POST message from Hive. Does Hive have workflows or events that can be setup to call an API endpoint and post a message to it? If so, I can't locate the documentation on how to set this up. Thank you

API key in header or URL param?

When I called the Get Users endpoint with the API key in the header, as documented, I got back a 400 Bad Request { "error": 400, "message": "api_key is required as a header or a query parameter." } I didn't get a successful response until I moved the api_key into the URL query parameter. Why doesn't the API successfully authenticate with the api_key in the headers?

Custom fields

How to retrieve action or project custom fields through api

Timesheets via API

the API documentation doesn't mention timesheets, so I assume it's not covered by the API. But it would be cool to add timesheet entries via API. Is this currently possible? Any plans to add it if not?

Status of Project in API

Can we please get the Project Status and notes from that status in the API?

What is the page size

What is the maximum number of record which will be returned in these endpoint https://app.hive.com/api/v1/projects https://app.hive.com/api/v1/actions

Automating Reporting using API using Alteryx

Hi, I'm pulling in data using the download tool in Alteryx for the GetAction. I'm then parsing it out using the JSON Parse tool, but it seems as though it's only pulling up to 99. of the name field. For example, the name field contains items like: 0.id 0.priority 1.id 1.priority etc... Maxing out with 99.estimate Has anyone come across this issue and if so, how did you resolve it? Thanks, Kevin

Attachment file names

Is it possible to explicitly set the file name of an attachment as it is being created/uploaded? I am migrating files from another system where the file is exposed as a url without the name in it.

Trying to get this to work with Salesforce External Services

I am stuck on providing an API schema specification. See this link for examples: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/external-services/register-an-external-service Can you help here?