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API for Add Attachment from Developer API Docs

Hey there, I am not getting API for add attachment in project new action for Developer Api Docs. Please help me.

Hive API Pricing

What is hive api pricing?

Actions Not Showing up

I am using the API to load the data into Power Bi, I can see all my projects just fine but almost none of my actions. I can only see the actions from 1 current project and then actions from some archived projects. Are some of these action being stored somewhere else? I checked all the sharing properties and I still cannot seem to find these actions in the API.

Missing description of logged time

How do I get description that people put in when they log their times for the actions? From the API it only shows time , user, and date. I have to believe that is pretty useless without the description that people add in. I thought it would be a comment but when I show comments from the action it doesn't show any. I don't understand why the loggedTime doesn't show everything from the screen like description and category. Not sure why they cut those two out?

Completed Date

Hi Team I am unable to find Completed date in the API. I can see it in UI and it isn't a custom field.

Status of the project

Hello, How it is possible to get the Status of the projects? The only way I found exporting Project Status is manually exporting Portfolio view CSV file. Could u please help us to find a better-automated way?

can we call projects api and get users api in one request?

can we call projects api and get users api in one request? how do we structure the parameters?

Can i get paginated actions data

<https://app.hive.com/api/v1/workspaces/{workspaceId}/actions> The limit is 20000 to get the actions. But if I have greater than 20000 actions how I can perform that to retrieve all the actions? There are any pagination parameters?


Hello, Is this API public and supported? M Townsend Parchmentfarm

Archive Project through API

Is there a way to archive a project through the "Update project" request? I was expecting to see a true/false "archive" parameter on the project that could be toggled to change the project's archive status.