_id | String | Unique alphanumeric string id. |
name | String | Human readable name of the Webhook. |
ownerId | String | User ID representing the Webhook owner. |
workspaceId | String | ID of the Workspace the Webhook is set up in. |
projectIds | Array of Strings | Array of project IDs the Webhook is watching. Only applicable to Webhooks which trigger on Actions inserts/updates. Default is empty array (all projects). A null value in the array means "watch for Actions with no project", project ID values in the array mean "watch for Actions in these project ID(s)". |
trigger | String | Trigger event type for the Webhook, i.e. when should the Webhook be sent. Supported values are: "actions::i" (Action inserted), "actions::u" (Action updated), "projects::i" (Project inserted), "projects::u" (Project updated). |
fields | Array of Strings | Array of field names, as strings, for the Webhook to conditionally trigger on. Defaults to an empty array, which means "trigger on any field changes". Only relevant for Webhooks which have a "trigger" field value with a "::u" suffix like "actions::u" or "projects::u". |
filters | Array of Objects | Not yet publicly supported. |
operator | String | Not yet publicly supported. |
url | String | URL to send the Webhook payload to upon triggering. |
additionalHeaders | Array of Objects | Optional Array of Objects where each Object represents any additional HTTP Headers to be included in the Webhook POST payload. Used for developers to define static headers to verify Webhook send authenticity or any other general purpose. |
deleted | Boolean | Whether or not the Webhook is deleted. |
createdAt | ISO Date String | Date + time of creation. |
modifiedAt | ISO Date String | Date + time of last update. |
createdBy | String | User ID representing Webhook creator. |
modifiedBy | String | User ID representing Webhook last modified by. |