
Below is the data structure of the Message object in Hive:

idStringUnique alphanumeric string id
containerIdString/Group IDID of the chat Group that the Message belongs to
bodyStringBody of the Message
senderString/User IDID of the User who sent the Message
senderFirstnameStringOptional name of the sender, can be used to override the display name of the sender for a given Message
senderPictureString/URLOptional URL, can be used to override the display image over the sender for a given Message
workspaceString/Workspace IDID of the Workspace that the Message belongs to
createdAtISO Date StringDate + time of Message creation
modifiedAtISO Date StringDate + time that the Message was last modified
createdByString/User IDUser ID string of the Message creator
modifiedByString/User IDUser ID string of the last user to modify fields on the Message
colorStringOptional background color for the message. Options are yellow, purple, green, red, gray